Wednesday 28 September 2011

Keep Going

A friend asked me about how to 'Keep Going' when things hit the rocks, so this is my take:

We all go through it sometimes, a little wobble or a total collapse...
Easy to fall off, hard to get back on!

Whatever the intricate details of your own situation, it can be summarised by the above pretty well.

If this is you, a new reason to get back to it could be all you need, a change of drive.

Consider: In your current state, do you want to stay feeling like you do? It might be the easy option, but it is unlikely. Need to avoid failure is often used as a trigger for many people to push on (the opposite being the need to achieve of course).

For me personally, it's only the mental torment of injury and rehab that can make it hard to stay on the wagon. I will however include love in this, as my achilles heel! ;) Never underestimate the power of a significant other to influence what is important to you! :)

When faced with these situations as we are, it's crucial to see the long game, and not get too involved or frustrated with the short. If something knocks you back, or isn't going quite as you wanted, remember all the work you've put in to get to the point you're currently at.

What sacrifices did you make to get there?
Think about how far you have come, how hard you've pushed.
Are you prepared to give all that up?
Didn't think so.

I'll leave you with this video, which could be explained better, but there are some solid points to take away. Until next time.

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