Wednesday 2 November 2011

Beliefs & Values: In life... and sport

Beliefs, morals and values are a product of our environment. What is acceptable is as defined by our peers, idols and family.

It is also important to remember that no matter what social circle someone is involved in, or who they spend the majority of their time with, they are an individual with their own unique set of values and should be treated as such. For example, just because someone's other half is into something and they spend all their time together, they are still completely separate individuals and entities.

Of course the above is much easier said than done, and I am as guilty as anyone else, but let this serve as a reminder. A persons thoughts are composed of such a variety of factors based on past and present, and therefore we can learn from every person!

I spoke to a good friend recently who grew up on the other side of the Atlantic, who reminded me that no matter where we are from in the world, two people can have very similar values despite being formulated in complete isolation. Which I found pretty cool.

Whatever you believe in, whatever your morals, values etc... they are yours, and you shouldn't change because you think it will make you fit in with anyone else.

In a sporting context, many athletes believe in God... their God. You often see them talking to what it is they believe in, for example saying prayers on TV before their performance.

Being a scientist I feel quite unclear on that subject, so I find it best to believe in myself instead! :D

A persons beauty is in their individuality. Crumble it down... yes they have history, friends, family. But that isn't who they are. Try not to judge.

People are like onions and all that.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Keep Going

A friend asked me about how to 'Keep Going' when things hit the rocks, so this is my take:

We all go through it sometimes, a little wobble or a total collapse...
Easy to fall off, hard to get back on!

Whatever the intricate details of your own situation, it can be summarised by the above pretty well.

If this is you, a new reason to get back to it could be all you need, a change of drive.

Consider: In your current state, do you want to stay feeling like you do? It might be the easy option, but it is unlikely. Need to avoid failure is often used as a trigger for many people to push on (the opposite being the need to achieve of course).

For me personally, it's only the mental torment of injury and rehab that can make it hard to stay on the wagon. I will however include love in this, as my achilles heel! ;) Never underestimate the power of a significant other to influence what is important to you! :)

When faced with these situations as we are, it's crucial to see the long game, and not get too involved or frustrated with the short. If something knocks you back, or isn't going quite as you wanted, remember all the work you've put in to get to the point you're currently at.

What sacrifices did you make to get there?
Think about how far you have come, how hard you've pushed.
Are you prepared to give all that up?
Didn't think so.

I'll leave you with this video, which could be explained better, but there are some solid points to take away. Until next time.

Monday 12 September 2011

Happiness is a journey, not a destination

WHAT do you want? (Have a think about this)

For some it's material possessions, others a somebody, a different job perhaps...

The question is simple enough, but the answer is usually the conclusion of personal and complex considerations:

  • WHY do you want IT over something else? Will it make you 'happy' if you obtain it?

  • Once you have convinced yourself of the above, you have to work out HOW you are going to get it.

  • Then you get it, and... you are happy? Right? Maybe, for a brief spell. Then you want something more, because you believe that the NEXT thing is actually what you need to make you 'happy'.

They say that happiness is a journey, not a destination. But it applies to many things.

Here's a quote I once made up that I live by:

"Happiness, fitness & struggle are all lifelong journeys. Accept this, and understand that they are in constant flux."

It reminds me how dynamic our perceptions and feelings are. Work hard to keep and maintain what is good, proactively address the bad.

Absolutely have your goals, and do everything you possibly can to achieve them, just don't hang all your hopes and solutions on that one peg because if you do...

i) The associated connotations of success you built up in the pursuit may not live up to the reality. This detracts from your personal achievement and leaves an anticlimactic experience from such hard work!  

ii) If you achieve your only goal, you might stop climbing. Don't ever stop.


Monday 5 September 2011


If you aren't aiming for new PB's with every training session you hit, what are you doing?

(Unless of course you are injured and doing rehab, but I'm still managing!)

Then I got thinking, this doesn't just apply to training for a sport, but to everything, whatever your passion, wherever you work... why just coast? Don't you want to get better every day at the things you do?

The way I see it, if you're just doing the minimum required of you, you are doing a disservice to yourself. Show the world what you can do!

Feel free to post your opinions below!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

What's up world!

My sister and I, if you hate my blog blame her, she is a bad influence :D (love you sis!)

Welcome viewers! Get ready for some bite-sized chunks of my life with no interactive quizzes to test your reading proficiency.

I better post up some current goings on to show a little of what I'm about:

I love finding things I can't do and learning to do them!

I get a buzz out of pushing myself, which has involved working abroad with elite athletes, visiting countries alone and without any plans, to simply eating random creations... there is so much out there, but it seems like some people just go through life like they have blinkers on, but each to their own!

At the moment I am sprint training for the indoor athletics season (~March) and I want to have a crack at Bobsleigh or Skeleton! (I am pretty much superhuman I just don't know what my sport is yet ;-)

I'm also starting up my own business, hoping to do a PhD one day, I want to make a European dance track, I like learning streetdance (though I am more likely the retard at the back), and I am planning a little sports photography project!

I am hoping the mobile blog feature is easy to use as I am rarely at home- unless you are super tired I just see it as time in your life you are wasting!

I want this to be open forum so feel free to ask anything, I suspect I will share a lot as the posts go on.